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Thursday, 26 June 2014

We're going through changes

So you might have noticed a few changes around here! I'm finally finished with uni and have so much time on my hands now to do what I've been craving the time to do properly for a long, long time... blog! 

New Name
I wanted a fresh start and felt like that would only happen with a new name. The old name was all about me and Adam, and in some ways the old style of blogging seemed to be a sort of online journal about our exploits as a couple, but that's not really I want this to be. I want it to be mine about things that are important to me so I decided to change the name to something that is purely for me.
I'm an ancient history student and I love myths and legends and Pandora's box has always been one of my favourites. I also think it has a really nice ring to it although I didn't want to just steal the name Pandora's box and so switched the box for 'fox'. When I was about 11 and into doing quizzes all the time in my magazines like What Saved by the Bell character are you? and Who is your perfect celebrity boyfriend? (Jessie and Ben from A1.. is it sad that I remember the answers!?) I did a ‘What animal are you?’ and got the answer fox and I just loved that. The description and reasoning for why I was a fox was just so spot on and (as stupid as this sounds) because I was so young it kind of stuck and ten years later I still feel like a little I’m a secret fox. So there’s my new name. I hope you like it!

New design
Every time I looked at my blog I would cry. Not literally, but it made me feel so depressed and uninspired. I had an image in my head of how I wanted it to look but I had no idea how to make it look anything like my dream layout. That’s where Amy came in (massively) handy, with her beautiful ideas, brilliant skills and affordable prices she created exactly what I was after and I’m so so happy with the final result! If anyone is thinking of getting their blog redesigned or any aspects designed then I would really, really recommend Amy. She was so easy and friendly to work with and really listened to my ideas and incorporated most things I asked for into the design. And she created something I’m really happy with. 

What to expect
I guess I'd describe it as a travel and lifestyle blog but I'm going to be blogging about everything, from fashion to beauty to book reviews... I love writing and I'm now so committed to blogging because it's just so much fun that I will be taking myself off to my bedroom, grabbing my laptop and typing away about everything that interests me.

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