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Monday, 11 March 2013

from Rebecca with love

Dear Adam,

4 years ago you were the older boy I perved on in school, whom I kept an eye out for in the corridors because your beautiful face put a little smile on mine, the boy who I told my friends I thought was the fittest boy in our school. 

Today you're my boyfriend, my best friend, my inspiration and my hero. You push me to do things I'm too scared to do, hold my hand through every tough day and hold my chin up for me when I'm too sad to hold up my own. For everything you do for me, thank you. I just hope I return the favour sometimes.

You are a wonderful person and I'm so lucky that you're my boyfriend. I literally have to pinch myself some times because I don't believe that you're with me. But I'm so glad you are. You make me so so happy ever day and I wish I was better with words so I could really explain to you how much I love you and how perfect you are.

You are hilarious and we have so much fun together. My favourite thing in the world is knowing that that's always going to be the case.

"I'll love you today, tomorrow and more. 
I'll love you always, small ways and all. 
From the moon up high to the ground below, 
your my one and my only and I'll never let go."

Happy birthday beautiful!
I love you x


  1. hay, your blog is really nice and this is a nice post ;)
    follow back, if you like. andy

    1. thank you for your comment and thanks for following :) you too have a lovely blog! x

  2. This is the cutest thing I've ever read!
    Julia x


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